Annual Ice Cream Social July 10

Come join the fun, come see what’s going on at our Annual Ice Cream Social, Wednesday, July 10, 5pm to 7pm in our Family Center at Marion Salem Global Methodist Church, 1640 Salem Road, Caledonia (corner of Marion Edison & Salem Road.)

There will be inside and outside eating available. Homemade noodles, desserts, side dishes and, ice cream, of course!

We ask for a “love offering” to dine in. Carryout is available—priced to go!

This is a Marion Tradition that you won’t want to miss! See you there.

History of the Ice Cream Social
Submitted by Janet Strine…from the 150th Anniversary booklet

Sunday School Picnics that were held in earlier times in a wooded area west of the church were probably the fore-runner to the present ice cream social. Families would come with well-filled baskets of food for the noonday meal. Watermelon which was kept cold in tubs of ice was sold for 5 cents a piece. Ice cream cones, lemonade, and boxes of Cracker Jacks also were available for a nickel each. Children played such games as “drop the handkerchief” while men enjoyed pitching horse shoes. There were few swings for the children and you took your turn. This was a day of fun and everyone looked forward to it.

In the late 1940’s, the first Ice Cream Socials of the Salem church were held on the lawns of church members and were sponsored by the Ladies Aid. Members were solicited for food for this event. Chickens were cooked for sandwiches and the broth was used to cook the noodles. Pies, cakes and salads were all made from scratch and the ice cream was made in hand-cranked home freezers. Watermelon was also an item on the menu.

By the 1980’s, most of the profit from these socials was used for church improvements—new wall coverings, painting the wainscoting, new carpet, refinishing the church floor under the pews, window sills and doors. Other money-making projects the ladies sponsored were: quil􀆟ng, sewing carpet rags which were woven into throw rugs and mending for ladies who were pressed for time.

The ice cream social has become an annual event which is planned by a general committee from the four adult Sunday School classes. More recently the second Wednesday in July has been set as the permanent date for the social. Two days before the social a “Noodle-Making Day” is scheduled at the church. Children, youth, middle-aged and older folks come to make noodles, have fun and enjoy a carry-in meal at noon. The proceeds from the social are used for worthy projects for the church or where there is a need. This year it was decided the money would go towards the payment of the new copy machine.

This event has become a time of fellowship for the community as patronage come from surrounding areas where folks meet to renew acquaintances and make new friends.