Youth Christmas Party

You better watch out You better not cry. You better not pout. Why? Because it’s the youth Christmas Party!!! Join in the fun:  • Christmas Cookie Decorating • Dollar Tree Gift Exchange  Menu: Mini-Chinese Buffet  Games & Prizes  And if there’s time, a round of sardines! 

Gospel LIVE!

Discover the Gospel of Matthew in a whole new way with the Visual Bible. This portrayal of Scripture is taken directly from the 1984 New International Version, word for word. Every line of dialogue spoken is either by the narrator (Matthew) or the individuals in Scripture. The screenplay follows the Gospel as closely as possible. […]

Basic Christian Faith Bible Study

Join Pastor Jason for an engaging time of discussion as we explore basic teachings of Christian Faith. This is a paced study and you can drop in anytime.  No Study 12/25 or 1/1. 

Blue Christmas Memorial Service

When painful memories        cloud Christmas cheer... When the hustle and bustle has made you sour... When celebrating is the last        thing on your mind... Come to Remember and Be Remembered.

Christmas Eve Communion & Candlelight Service

It’s tradition! This year we celebrate the coming of the King of Glory! Even in the darkness and chaos of our world, God’s Kingdom Comes!  Remember to invite your friends, family, and neighbors! We’ll celebrate communion together, pass the flame around with candles, and welcome the birth of Christ singing “Silent Night!” 

Peanut Butter Sandwich Making

We'd love to have you join us to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for The Peanut Butter Jelly Truck, part of the Luke 3:11 Ministries. Working to reduce poverty and spreading love in Marion, Ohio. We will be putting the sandwiches together  in the Family Center Kitchen right after worship.  

All Church Birthday Party

Come join a fun fellowship dinner themed around your birthday! Tables will be setup for seating by month of birth so you get to know other birthday buddies. Bring a dish to share. Drinks and cake will be provided.


Join us for fellowship and fun. You don't have to know how to knit!

Bible Study: Basic Christian Faith

Join Pastor Jason for an engaging time of discussion as we explore basic teachings of Christian Faith. This is a paced study and you can drop in anytime.  


Join us for fellowship and fun. You don't have to know how to knit!