Youth Group

The Strivers Youth Group meets Sunday Evenings for activities and snacks. Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14  

The Gospel LIVE! Visual Bible Study

Discover the Gospel of Matthew in a whole new way with the Visual Bible. This portrayal of Scripture is taken directly from the 1984 New International Version, word for word. Every line of dialogue spoken is either by the narrator (Matthew) or the individuals in Scripture. The screenplay follows the Gospel as closely as possible. […]


Join us for Knitting/Crafting and fellowship. You do not need to know how to knit, just come!  

Strivers on Location!

Salem Strivers Youth Group will be at Tony and Charisse Smith’s, Please join us at 5703 County Rd 66, Edison, OH 43320. 

Gospel LIVE!

Discover the Gospel of Matthew in a whole new way with the Visual Bible. This portrayal of Scripture is taken directly from the 1984 New International Version, word for word. Every line of dialogue spoken is either by the narrator (Matthew) or the individuals in Scripture. The screenplay follows the Gospel as closely as possible. […]

Basic Christian Faith Bible Study

Join Pastor Jason for an engaging time of discussion as we explore basic teachings of Christian Faith. This is a paced study and you can drop in anytime.  No Study 12/25 or 1/1. 

Gospel LIVE!

Discover the Gospel of Matthew in a whole new way with the Visual Bible. This portrayal of Scripture is taken directly from the 1984 New International Version, word for word. Every line of dialogue spoken is either by the narrator (Matthew) or the individuals in Scripture. The screenplay follows the Gospel as closely as possible. […]

Basic Christian Faith Bible Study

Join Pastor Jason for an engaging time of discussion as we explore basic teachings of Christian Faith. This is a paced study and you can drop in anytime.  No Study 12/25 or 1/1. 

Ladies’ Christmas Party

Attention Ladies of the church! You’re invited to an evening of fun and fellowship on Dec. 12 at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more details and a sign-up sheet on the information table in the sanctuary and will be available outside the kitchen in the family […]

The Christmas Promise children’s program

The children of Marion Salem will be presenting their version of The Christmas Promise on Sunday, December 15 during the morning service. There will be worship, special music, the children's bell choir and more. Come and enjoy watching the children give their best to Jesus!