All Church Birthday Party

Come join a fun fellowship dinner themed around your birthday! Tables will be setup for seating by month of birth so you get to know other birthday buddies. Bring a dish to share. Drinks and cake will be provided.


Join us for fellowship and fun. You don't have to know how to knit!

Bible Study: Basic Christian Faith

Join Pastor Jason for an engaging time of discussion as we explore basic teachings of Christian Faith. This is a paced study and you can drop in anytime.  


Join us for fellowship and fun. You don't have to know how to knit!

Bible Study: Basic Christian Faith

Join Pastor Jason for an engaging time of discussion as we explore basic teachings of Christian Faith. This is a paced study and you can drop in anytime.

Bible Study: Basic Christian Faith

Join Pastor Jason for an engaging time ofdiscussion as we explore basic teachings of Christian Faith. This is a paced study and you can drop in anytime.

Salem Strivers Youth Group Family Trip

Church Family Trip to WinterJam Concert. Doors open at 5pm, must bring $15 for entry. Church Family Trip to WinterJam! All families are invited to join together for this unique Christian concert experience. Pastor Jason and family will be heading on vacation following the concert, however you’re invited to meet them outside the Schottenstein Center […]

The Gospel Live! Visual Bible Study

Discover the Gospel of Matthew in a whole new way with the Visual Bible. This portrayal of Scripture is taken directly from the 1984 New International Version, word for word. Every line of dialogue spoken is either by the narrator (Matthew) or the individuals in Scripture. The screenplay follows the Gospel as closely as possible. […]