Spaghetti Dinner is March 8—Come Join the Fun!

The annual spaghetti dinner and auction will soon be upon us.


Please save Saturday, March 8th at 5 pm for the big event! This year, in honor and

memory of our beloved Jim McGuire, the auction will have a nautical theme.


The proceeds will be funneled into the youth ministry program at Salem.

We need every member of the church to make this event successful.

Please consider donating items for both the silent and live auction. There is a

table at the back of the church where you can bring your items.


Help will be needed for the following: kitchen, set up, check in/out,

contacting businesses. Please see Kelly Wagner or Conni McChesney.


If you know former youth and adults who were involved with the youth

ministry over the years, please invite them. We would love to hear how time

spent in the Salem youth group impacted their lives and why it is so important

to invest in our young people!


Be sure to invite friends and family! It’s a very fun evening!