Pastor’s Ponderings October 2024

To the church of God as found at Marion Salem Church, called to be saints together with those in every place who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: You are miracles of God’s grace and mercy!

October is such an incredibly busy month; I’m always impressed with how it sneaks up on me and can become overwhelming. Our 19th Anniversary is on Oct. 1, and we have plans as usual to go on a family vacation (though we’re going to the beach and not the mountains) over the second weekend in October. October 6th is World Communion Sunday, a day set aside by many Christians around the world to celebrate the Lord’s Supper in unity.

Here at the church, we’re gearing up for the Charge Conference season which means the Nominations Team has been very busy preparing the slate of officers for next year. We’re also entering budget planning for 2025 and your leadership is working diligently with a new process now that we have a year of actual expenses and receipts to plan from.

A group of  Sunday School leaders has joined together to bring back the Donuts & Devos time on the first Sunday of each month. I understand that on October 6th, we’ll have a joint time of learning together at the 9am hour following fellowship at 8:30am.

Our Outreach Team has taken on the task of supporting our local Gideon Camps and helping them to recruit more members to spread God’s Word. That event is Saturday, Oct. 19. On the 20th, we’ll have a Family Fall Party at Tony and Charisse Smith’s. And, as I type this, the Conveying Conference is wrapping up its penultimate day and heading for a finale tomorrow.

By the end of the month, my attention will return to matters at home again. Emily is preparing for surgery on Oct. 31. Your prayers are certainly welcome as we begin that journey of recovery. Which brings me back to: October is overwhelming. Yet as I was talking to Amy today in the office the phrase came up in conversation, “it all just feels…right.” We have a lot of good work going on now.  Christ is lifted up. Disciples are being encouraged in their walk. And not too long from now—I believe we will see new disciples coming to Christ in our midst.

So, yes, it is busy. Yes, there is much going on to pay attention to and be involved with. There is much to celebrate and strive to achieve. At the end of the day, it is all about Jesus and making disciples.

