Pastor’s Ponderings—February 2025

To the church of God as found at Marion Salem Church, called to be saints together with those in every place who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: You are miracles of God’s grace and mercy!

 realize that Easter is still 3 months away, however we are preparing for the day now. No, it’s not quite time for Lent. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, which is March 5th this year. There are, however, several things to prepare even in advance of Lent. Let me explain. In the apostolic era, Lent was a season of discipleship. Those who were preparing for baptism on Easter Sunday would have been involved in a 2-year learning process called catechesis (cat-a-key-sis). The last part of which was observed in Lent as a 40-day fast and review of all the spiritual disciplines they had been taught prior to baptism on Easter Sunday. In later periods of Church history, the 2-year waiting period was dropped, however, the preparation for baptism during Lent continued. Some of the origins for confirmation classes come from this time.

During the weeks of Lent this year, I plan on offering a baptism/confirmation/ membership class. The materials are the same, the circumstances of those attending are what makes the difference. If you have never been baptized then we would prepare towards that and perhaps professing membership if you were to choose that (you must be baptized to be a full professing member). If you were baptized as an infant or child, then confirmation and professing membership would be your path. Finally, if you have been baptized and are seeking to become a professing member at Salem, then the class would be your gateway to that journey. Whether it is baptism, confirmation, or membership, all three of these are steps on the lifelong journey of discipleship—they are not destinations.

If you sense God calling you into a deeper part of the faith journey, please seek me out before February 16th. I need to know who will be participating so that together we can plan the best times for meeting together.
