Pastor’s Pondering August 2024
To the church of God as found at Marion Salem Church, called to be saints together with those in every place who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: You are miracles of God’s grace and mercy!
It is hard to believe that we are already in the last month of summer. August is now upon us and we are beginning to see the return of habits and routines. I know it might feel early to be talking about September, however the planning stages are on now for National Back to Church Sunday on September 15th. There are several parts and pieces that we will be doing in getting ready for this major event in the life of the Church.
• In August my sermon series will focus on the life of King Hezekiah, encouraging us to understand the importance of legacy. The central question: What are we doing to leave a legacy at Marion Salem Church and what kind of legacy will it be?
• The Allegheny West Annual Conference will be holding a Lay Ministry training in Marysville, OH. This is an important training and I would like to see as many people go as possible. The training is September 6 & 7. For more: The registration fee is $75 after August 1 and includes breakfast and lunch on Saturday.
• We’ll be welcoming new members on Sunday, August 25. Following the service, we’ll have a potluck welcoming our new members and a church family fellowship event.
As we think through our legacy, we ought to be inspired (or perhaps challenged) to give our best for the Gospel through Marion Salem Church. In giving our best, it never hurts to learn more about serving in the Church and the Awaken event is only 45 minutes from Salem. Again, I highly encourage your attendance. Awaken will be an opportunity to form relationships with other congregations in our conference who we are working with together to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Finally, the day we receive new members is practice for when we seek to welcome new guests and visitors on Back to Church Sunday.
So get excited church! This is a great time to get involved, live out our faith, and be a disciple of Christ!