Pastor’s Ponderings April 2024

To the church of God as found at Marion Salem Church, called to be saints together with those in every place who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: You are miracles of God’s grace and mercy!

Historically, once a year Methodist congregations would gather together with their Presiding Elder and discuss the business of the congregation. They would look back at the steps forward in faith, mourn those who had passed, and look toward the future with the election of leadership and setting of priorities for the coming year. Often this Charge Conference season was in the Fall and it presented an annual check-up on the state of the congregation. Over the years, fewer people have participated in this work and it has become less of a worship service and celebration and more of a perfunctory administrative task.

Years ago I met a congregation that created layers of engagement to facilitate greater participation and life among the membership. Church conference continued as usual (though more people started coming), they regularly reported actions taken by the leadership to the membership (we’ve started this), and in the Spring they created a second check-in opportunity.

In April, the Ad Council is going to host a potluck on April 28th
to have an opportunity to share with the congregation the many things that are happening
—some behind the scenes, and others that are front and center.

The hope is that this 6-month cycle will help increase communication, build trust, and help us focus on making disciples of Jesus Christ. During the meeting the various leadership committees of Marion Salem will share what is happening and how the congregation can participate. There will also be a time for questions and answers, and hopefully sharing from the congregation about dreams for the future.

My prayer is that you will make this a priority to attend, after worship on Sunday, April 28. Come ready to hear about many exciting things that are happening, get informed about serious matters that we face ahead of us, then share your hopes and dreams as we join together to discern all that Christ has in store for us.



Pastor’s Ponderings March 2024

To the church of God as found at Marion Salem Church, called to be saints together with those in every place who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: You are miracles of God’s grace and mercy!

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His excellent Word. What more can He say than to you He hath said, to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?

The B-I-B-L-E, Yes! That the book for me.
I stand alone on the Word of God, The B-I-B-L-E.

I hope you recall these songs, their emphasis on Scripture. John Wesley owned many books, he wrote several, republished many so they were accessible for his followers and encouraged people to be widely read—yet he also said he was a “man of one book.” Was this a contradiction? No. Wesley’s foundation was Scripture. He constantly pointed back to the Bible and compared things with it. Several of the works he republished he edited because he felt they lacked Scriptural basis. Likewise he left for us the legacy in the Articles of Relgion the following: “The Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation; so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man that it should be believed as an article of faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation.” We look to the Bible to be our source and foundation of faith.

So with this emphasis on Scripture: How ofter do we come back to Scripture with our questions? Our hopes? When do we sit with God’s Word and read it like a letter from a loved one? Do we wrestle with it? Memorize passages? Do you find yourself soaking in the Word of God? How’s your diet when it comes to intake of Scripture?

I’ve noticed that the Bible Readers in the sanctuary are being utilized and I’m thankful for that. As discussions around Scripture have been occurring in the past two months, we’ve recognized that we need to encourage Scripture reading even more, especially for young people. So Bibles are being purchased to give our youth and children here at Salem Church. As they receive those, they’ll be encouraged to bring them with them to church. Let’s join together with our youngest disciples and attach ourselves to the Word of God more.



Pastor’s Ponderings February 2024

To the church of God as found at Marion Salem Church, called to be saints together with those in every place who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: You are miracles of God’s grace and mercy!

I was encouraged on January 21st to have 6 youth and 3 adults join me for our first youth group meeting. They had great discussion around 1 Timothy 4:12, where Paul writes encouraging Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because of his age. Instead, Timothy is charged to set the example for the church. This is something that I think the youth group can do for Marion Salem Church too and told them this.

Their group will continue meeting on Sunday evenings provided that we have adult chaperones to help. The chaperones are not responsible for teaching or leading discussion—the teaching is from RightNow Media videos, and the youth will lead their own discussions. If you are able to help, please see me as soon as possible!

Because of the timing of Easter this year (March 31) we have an early Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday on February 14th. We’ll be observing Ash Wednesday with a Soup Supper at 5:30 pm and a worship service at 7pm. All will have an opportunity to receive ashes and communion at the service. The Lenten Sermon Series will be “Gloves Off.” The focus of this series is spiritual warfare as Jesus taught in Luke chapters 16-18. We’ll be able to put this to great practice during Lent with the “Our Easter Hearts” campaign, where we’ll be praying specifically for people who are unchurched, dechurched, and/or unsaved. Keep Wednesday, March 20th at 7pm on your calendar as we’ll join together that evening to pray over all the names we have collected as a congregation during Lent in preparation for Holy Week services.

The final thing I want to raise up to you this month is the beginning of a semi-weekly pastor’s study on Wednesday evenings. We’re going to dive into the Word together reviewing questions of basic Christian faith. All are invited to attend this study, we’ll pace ourselves and keep sessions to an hour. Keep an eye on the bulletin for week-to-week schedule changes.

